Reflections of the Past (And Future)


February 27, 1990


            About two weeks ago the Historical Society met at Paragould, where an archeologist from Arkansas State University (ASU) Jonesboro was the guest speaker.  The Dalton Point that we have is about 10,000 years old.  Knowing this made me stop and think of whom, where, why, and what would he and I have in common.

            Who?  An early American Indian, highly developed, once lived here in what we now know as Crowley’s Ridge.  Today, we wouldn’t be able to communicate with him, or her, because of the difference in our language.  However, we know that God put the very same feelings and desires that we feel today into this human of so long ago.  He felt Love, Pride, Sorrow, Grief, Anger, Fear, and Loneliness.

            Was he a Chief, or just an ordinary person like you or I?  The knife, or point, had been sharpened many times.  It had been used well, but for what, protection, survival, food?  Will we ever know?

            It was used and kept in good shape.  The sharp edges even today could do great harm.  It was probably passed on from father to son for many generations.  The archeologist stated that it had probably been discarded because it had become so small, although it was still in good shape.  Could it have been given to a child or a woman?

            Some people find it hard to believe that man lived here so many years ago.  They wonder who their God was, but I have no problem with that at all.  They had the same God that we do, from the very beginning.  We some times feel that we have to “Prove” God, but we don’t!  He just is and nothing we can say or do makes any difference.  He didn’t have to ask us how He should do things.  God is in control and always will be in control     .  Don’t ever doubt that God is in control.  When Eve was tempted in the Garden of Eden, she misquoted the scripture when she said we all will surely die.  Trying to prove God, when she didn’t have to.

            When I look at this knife, or spear point, that another one of God’s children made over 10,000 years ago, I can’t keep from wondering if our modern man has made anything that would endure that many years.  Something that one could still use if the need arose.  Maybe some of our gold rings, chains, some china, stainless steel, and Corning Wear, but nothing I know of like this old knife or spear point.  Even the beer cans and other pollution won’t last that long.  The Word will be forever and that alone.

            We don’t believe this world will stand 10,000 more years and some don’t believe that it has already stood 10,000 years.  But we don’t know.  The Lord said that 1,000 years to God is as a day or 1 day is as 1,000 years.  What I think is that He will decide when He is ready, and not one day earlier or later.